Thank you for your interest in standing with us in prayer against possible terrorist attacks in

Coastal Georgia and Jacksonville, Florida. Our hearts turned to prayer after Dr. Daniel Bohler called us

with his prophecy on Wednesday, July 11, 2007. This was supported by the public announcement of

Homeland Security Secretary, Michael Chertoff that our country is at greater risk for attacks. 

This is what the Lord has shown us to do:

(1)  Take courage and stand in faith against possible terrorist attacks.

(2)  Call the churches to repentance and prayer. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

(3)  Pray that the Lord will give our Law Enforcement Agencies (local, state, & federal) great success in protecting our country.

(4)  Pray for Israel and their protection.

(5)  Hold local prayer meetings. (United We Stand)


"Call to Prayer For Coastal Georgia"  

Terrorist Prophecy- Dr. Dan Bohler (Scroll down for title)

(Click here for the printable version)

Overcomer's Prayer:

 A Prayer Strategy Against Terrorism

-by Pastor Bill Ligon